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3500 sqft

$12,000 - $14000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

2700 sqft

$11,000 - $12000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

1500 sqft

$7,000 - $10000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

3200 sqft

$13,000 - $18000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

2300 sqft

$18,000 - $22000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

2500 sqft

$12,000 - $14000

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. 


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